Er dyfned yw'r Iorddonen
Hen afon yr Iorddonen

(Croesi yr Iorddonen)
Er dyfned yw'r Iorddonen,
  Rhaid imi groesi hon;
Wrth feddwl am ei thònau,
  Mae ofnau dan fy mron:
Ond im' gael nabod Iesu,
  A'm carodd cyn fy mod,
Af trwyddi'n ddigon tawel,
  A'r gwaelod dan fy nhroed!
Casgliad o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
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Hen afon yr Iorddonen! Rhaid imi groesi hon; Wrth feddwl am ei dyfnder, Mae arswyd dan fy mron; Ond im' gael 'nabod Iesu, A'm carodd cyn fy mod, Af trwy-ddi'n ddigon tawel, A'r gwaelod dan fy nhroed. Paham yr ofna'i'r afon, Wrth weled grym y dŵr? Mae'r gwaelod wedi ei g'ledu, A'r Iesu'n flaenaf Gŵr! Yr afon goch lifeiriol A darddodd dan ei fron, - Mae miloedd yn myn'd adref Yn ngrym yr afon llon.
Llawlyfr Moliant 1880

Tonau [7676D]:
Ardudwy (<1876)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Llydaw (alaw Lydawig)

  Bendithion ar fendithion
  Paham yr ofna'i'r afon?
  Pwy rydd im falm Gilead?
  Ymado wnaf â'r babell
  Yr afon goch lifeiriol

(Crossing the Jordan)
Although so deep is the Jordan,
  I must cross this;
While thinking about its waves,
  There are fears under my breast:
If only I get to know Jesus,
  Who loved me before I was,
I will go through it sufficiently quietly,
  With the bottom under my foot!
- - - - -
The old river of the Jordan! I must cross this; While thinking about its depth, There is horror under my breast; If only I get to know Jesus, Who loved me before I was, I will go through it sufficiently quietly, With the bottom under my foot! Why do I fear the river, While seeing the force of the water? The bottom has been hardened, And Jesus the foremost Man! The red, flowing river That issued under his breast, - Thousands are going home In the force of the cheerful river.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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